Hi Jason,

first off, thank you for your opinions and see my
answers inline ...

--- Jason Greenwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> m wrote:
> > It's not too encouraging ... are you saying I
> should
> > give up?
> Perhaps.
>   Hmmm, I don't like to give up easy. Why don't
> > you rather suggest how to fix some of the things
> ...
> > say make fonts in Mozilla look like in Windows.
> Things in Linux look/act differently to Windows, if
> you prefer Windows, 
> stay with it. You'll never emulate Windows exactly,
> thank God.

I'm not even trying do so, there are some things I
like right of the bat more in Linux but still thre is
something I'm missing to be efficient and comfortable
doing my job. Don't take me wrong I agree with most of
your ideas but issue is as I see it a lot of third
party vendors are so MS oriented that you can't have
their stuff for Linux at all. What do you do if you
need them? Even somebody here mentioned once in a
month he has to reload his Windows to update check
book or something .... why is that?

> See comments below:
> >>>As a newbie (I'll consider myself newbie till I'm
> >>
> >>able
> >>
> >>>to compile my own kernel and that won't happen
> any
> >>>time soon, as PC is just a tool for me and I
> don't
> >>>have time for it) I've decided to try Linux as
> Then many of us are newbies too, if that's the
> definition.
> >>
> >>hearing
> >>
> >>>all that how great it is made me curious. 
> Good that you've heard good things, I love Linux
> myself, would never go 
> back to Winblows.
> So far
> >>
> >>it
> >>
> >>>didn't give me anything I couldn't do with
> >>
> >>Windows,
> That's not the point. If you think that the only
> important thing to do 
> is re-create the Windows environment in Linux,
> forget it.
> >>
> >>>stability is out of question as my laptop is
> >>
> >>freezing
> >>
> >>>more often with Linux then Win2k, things I like
> Then you have a bung install, simple as that. Linux
> does not 
> crash...repeat after me, does not crash, I have been
> using it for 2 
> years, so I know (others far longer, and they agree
> with me). The only 
> way it would is if you were trying some exotic
> kernel or beta software 
> or similar.

:), I can't argue with this ...bung install ... I
don't feel I did something wrong during the install as
there was not much I could've done. Linux can freeze
or lock up, I've experienced it myself and I've heard
others say that too. Of course it has always been some
apm related stuff. I don't think I'm doing anything
exotic :).
> >>
> >>very
> >>
> >>>much e.g. suspend or hot swapping of my cdrom
> with
> >>>floppy ain't working to the same extend as with
> >>>Windows (sometimes after wakeing it up, display
> >>>wouldn't get in sync at all etc etc), fonts in
> say
> >>>Mozilla sucks comparing what it is in Windows.
> Sounds like an XFree/Video card problem to me. Pop
> in Knoppix and try 
> the same thing, it may configure your video better
> than Mandrake does, 
> it has on some of my boxes.
> >>
> >>There
> >>
> >>>is still a lot of software I need in my day to
> day
> >>>business not available for Linux too, 
> Like? Be specific so we can make recommendations.

Meeting Maker, Adobe Frame Viewer, Spirnet & Ixia
client, VPN client, OTP, IPTV client, Visio.
> so the only
> >>>bright side is I can do my expect/tcl script on
> my
> >>
> >>PC
> Hey!! At least you found a silver lining!!
> >>
> >>>instead of login to some of the corporate Sun
> >>
> >>servers
> >>
> >>>and I LOVE xterm ... getting help from Linux
> gurus
> >>
> >>is
> >>
> >>>the same hassle as getting help for MS issues.
> Um, no, I disagree.

Sorry, I know everybody is trying to do best they can
but nobody is gonna die for you if you're in trouble,
right ... either way most of the time you're on your


> >>>
> >>>When I buy a PC it comes with Windows and I dont
> >>
> >>have
> >>
> >>>to pay anything extra, right?
> Yes you do, it's bundled in with the price (ie.
> Windows Tax). Buy a 
> whitebox and save between $100-$600 depending on the
> bundle.
>   So ... what's the
> >>
> >>point
> >>
> >>>to do format c: and go for Linux?
> If you still don't know all of the benefits, I'll
> post them again at the 
> bottom of this email.
> >>>
> >>>Hope I didn't upset anybody, just like to hear
> >>
> >>your
> >>
> >>>opinion.
> Ok, you got it.
> Cheers
> Jason
> PS, My PERSONAL reasons for using Linux/OSS:
> Freedom - the freedom to use, modify and in general,
> play with my 
> software with a level of transparency simply not
> available with Windows.
> Modifiable - Being able to modify most things on my
> computer through 
> simple, text editable text files, without the
> worry/hassle of a 
> "registry" of any kind.
> Value/Cost for performance - in my experience, Linux
> and OSS offer a 
> price for performance return that Windows doesn't
> even come close to.
> Community - I like being part of a community of my
> choice, rather than 
> being a slave to a company in Redmond that uses my
> net's back channel to 
> report my usage behaviors and buying decisions - all
> for my own supposed 
> benefit.
> Helping others - I can help others by introducing
> them to Linux for 
> almost no cost without feeling like I am "stealing"
> and without fear of 
> getting caught "pirating"
> Stability - the feeling that I can do almost
> anything to/with my PC and 
> not have to worry about lock ups or slowing system
> performance. No need 
> to do a "general" reboot every few days/hours just
> to keep my system 
> fuctioning normally.
> Security - I know EXACTLY who has access to my
> computer and when, and I 
> can easily control it.
> Choice - I have PLENTY of money to buy MS software,
> thankfully I have 
> the CHOICE not to, which I gladly exercise.
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