At 12:10 PM 6/9/2003 -0600, you wrote:
quoting Anne Wilson's missive of Monday 09 June 2003 04:41 am:

> > Installing Linux. The biggest % was installing the packages. It
> > took A LONG time. 200 MHz 32 MB. I used the CDs.


If I recall correctly that machine is your server? How much more than 'just
server' packages did you install? Office packages, graphics packages, audio
packages, firewall, etc.? How many different desktops? KDE, GNOME, what else?
Did any of that extra software get installed from your (1) Windows install
disk? Do you think the sheer _size_ of the install on that limited system may
have had some effect on how long it took? Installing three or four times the
number of applications may actually TAKE three or four times as long? On the
same machine?

I installed most things, because it was "just" a server then.

> That really is odd.  I installed 9.0 on a really ancient AMD board
> (around 5 years old) in around 45 minutes.  It has a 400 processor
> and 128 MB ram - nothing specially good and a lot that's not good.
> It's very slow doing some things, but it works.
> Can't imagine what took so long.
> Anne

Hey! Easy with that 'ancient board' crack Anne. This system was built in early
1999. Or late 1998, I can never recall. But I resemble that "ancient" remark.

Yeah, that's a slow processor Cody is using alright. But it ain't the problem.
Check out the difference in RAM between what you installed on and what Cody
had trouble with. Then remember the minimum specs for Mandrake 8.1. If I
remember correctly it was 64 MB minimum recommended, but I'm not going to dig
the box out of the closet to check. May actually have been double that. <g>

As a check; I never had much luck with 8.1. I didn't run it for very long
before I "cookered" this box. Hangs, X crashes, *very* slow operation. I had
512 MB of memory when I installed it then I added another 512. I had to cut
it back to 768 total because of a failing memory slot but just
didn't like my system. Or me. ;-)

With only 32 MB of physical memory I'm surprised it installed at all. 9.0 or
9.1 wouldn't, not if one planned to use the graphical installer. You *might*
get disk 1 to install but 2 and 3 wouldn't be available; no memory to hold
the package lists and the GUI.


If you want to learn, and to be able to run any GNU/Linux distribution, might
I suggest that you start with basics? System requirements are published for a
reason, "errata" pages are published for a reason.
<not>Mail lists such as this exist so that smart @$$ people such as myself can
hang around to offer unhelpful help to try advising you on how to make things
There are a number of (lots actually, and you may have pissed one or more of
them off yesterday) truly helpful and intelligent people that answer
questions on these lists. As volunteers. Because they believe in the ideals
exemplified by the availability of distributions such as Mandrake. Added
factor: they really like to help.

It requires a minimum commitment on your part. You need to actually _read_ and
give thought to the information that's made available though, or that someone
offers links to for you. I don't think anyone actually expects you or anybody
else to "get it" on the first go; but I do think you're expected to try, and
ask more questions when you need to. Don't just start the "Windows is better"
as a subconscious defence against feeling inadequate. That's old and tired,
we've all seen far too much of it.

If Windows is really your "thang" have fun. Just don't expect very many people
that read this, or any other like list, to agree with you. From the post I
originally quoted from:

> It took 4 hours to install MDK 8.1, and 60 mins for Windoze.

On that same machine? A "working" Windows install? With all of the "extras"
you installed from the Mandrake disks?

In 60 minutes on that hardware? Very unlikely. Try again.

Comparisons are only as useful as the basic premise allows them to be. This
one may not reflect reality.

Final thoughts on this subject then I'm outta here; how much would all of the
software/server packages you installed have cost you from Microsoft? How much
did it cost you from Mandrake? What have you paid for the "training" you've
been offered here?

Edmonton,AB,Canada Registered user 244963 at
Mandrake 9.1 Bamboo (cooked)
10:44:05 up 27 days, 2:48, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.04, 0.01
Have a nice day!

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-Cody Harris

| Linux Rox My Sox!      |
| Check out HCHS!        |
|     |
| Proud to use Mandrake Linux 8.1 as a server.  |
| Not proud to use Windows as a primary server. |
| Registered Linux user #315598      | 
| Registered Linux Computer #200951  |
| Wrote on a Windoze Computer :(     |

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