On Fri, 01 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Quit ragging on AMD/Cyrix, it this does happen on intel systems, the
> very first report as a matter of fact  It's just most of those boards 
> died in the initial mass of celeron overclockings. And the rest are
> mainly "screaming gamer rigs". The key point is the bios, and how it's
> implements the atx shutdown. it's not like it's the first time oems have
> tweaked hardware..
T'wasn't "ragging on AMD/Cyrix." I was "ragging on" the
person/persons responsible for the *apparently* buggy atx APM drivers.
The implication *I* got from you, Axalon, was that it was a driver
problem, not that it was a BIOS problem.  Are you now stating that
it's a BIOS problem and not an APM driver problem???

I can understand why it would happen to O/C'ed systems, but other
than *intentionally* destabilized (overclocked) systems, have there
been any reports of this happening on an Intel chipset or processor?
Just wondering why it appears to be affecting PRIMARILY non-Intel
chpsets and processors? (NOTE: I *prefer* non-intel processors!!!)

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