This information would be very handy.  IF someone had the time and effort
and web space some kind of database that keeps track of parts and parts
combinations that are successful, or unsuccessful might also be good.  I
know when I built my machine I was only interested in getting parts that
would definately work with Linux.  OF course although all the parts might be
Limux compatible some pieces of hardware don't seem to work together.  That
kind of information - known hardware incompatibilities (Soundcard X won't
work with Motherboard Y), in a searchable database would be useful.  Just
$0.02 - actually I'm Australian so guess I have to round that up to $0.05.

Somewhere earlier in this thread someone said they didn't like Fujitsu hard
drives.  Any particular reason - it's just that I use them (without problems
so far) - so if they spontaneously combust or something like that, I'd like
to know before it actually happens;-)


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