I have been trying to get Linux to see the internet.  I have ADSL that was working fine for Windows, and now, when I try to get Linux to see the internet, I get this error:

Determining IP information for eth0...Operation failed.

The 'pump' command is the one failing.  I have tried all the suggestions that I can in the mini-howto for DHCP.  It still doesn't work.  My ISP isn't much help, they tell me that they don't support Linux yet, but here is what has worked for others:
IP Address: Obtain from server automatically
WINS configuration: DHCP
IP Gateway or default router: Leave blank or (
Host: (YOUR userID)
IP Network Class: C
IP Subnet Mask:
Default Domain: swbell.net
DNS Server:
If you cannot select "Server Assigned Name Server",
then select the following:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

I tried that too, I wasn't using my userID as my hostname.  However, that also didn't work.

I am just hoping that others here that have set up their Linux with ADSL will know what needs to be done.  Everything else with the setup/install of Linux went VERY smoothly!  I use Linux at work now and compared to Windows, it's billions of times more stable.  However, so far I am finding connecting to the internet is still much easier in Windows.  Sorry guys.  *PLEASE* prove me wrong! :)


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