On Sunday 03 August 2003 08:38 pm, John Wilson wrote:
> On August 3, 2003 05:44 pm, Todd Slater wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 03, 2003 at 04:58:53PM -0700, John Wilson wrote:
> > > On August 2, 2003 08:44 am, Todd Slater wrote:
> snip
> > You haven't disappointed me at all, John. I don't work for Mandrake,
> > they don't pay me any money, so I could really care less whether you use
> > it or not--use Suse, Red Hat, or IIS if it floats your boat.
> >
> > You haven't provided any details about what you tried and the result,
> > only vague complaints. Obviously, you don't really care to learn or you
> > would have taken the time to try to compose a sensible request for help.
> >
> > > With regard to MCC, I've had it bork my system far too many times to
> > > trust it to do anything right.
> > >
> > > I was about to recommend to a friend that she run her business on
> > > Mandrake but until a lot of things are fixed, including MCC and a
> > > useable firewall that isn't Shorewall comes with the distro I think
> > > I'll let sleeping dogs lie and let her go to SuSE instead.
> I'm glad I haven't.  :-)
> Actually, rereading it I seem to have come off a bit more cranky than I
> meant to.
> The reality is that in many cases a lot of networking aps don't work "out
> of the box" if you've done something the least bit strange from MCC's point
> of view.  In my own situation it's the use of eth1 to go to the outside
> world and eth0 on the internal network.  This throws all the wizards with
> respect to networking out of whack on MCC which wants to insist on eth0 as
> the outward bound device and eth1 + as inward facing.  My suspicion is that
> this is hard coded in the script rather than making use of variables and
> responding appropriately.
> When I said MCC borked my system I wasn't kidding.  It took three days of
> rewriting conf files to get things back to normal again.  During that time
> most of the machine's functionality was lost.  I could have reinstalled but
> I'd have learned nothing so I went ahead and did it all by hand making very
> many mistakes and learning a fair bit in the process.  Not the least of
> which is how interconnected things are in Linux. :-)
> As for Apache...it seems the default scripts that Mandrake places made the
> same assumptions about which device did what as the MCC scripts did.  Not a
> big problem.  Replace and go for it.
> Figure out how to get Shorewall to open port 80 on the internal network
> only, which wasn't fun.  (With Shorewall I'm strating to think that there's
> something in my braincells that doesn't make a connection with howtos and
> examples that don't match the actual configuration screens.  In any event,
> it works now.)
> Set up BIND and DNS to handle things there and beat Samba into submission
> so that the Windoze boxes, now only laptops, can read it.
> Upload a web page with the entirely original phrase Hello World written on
> it in dull script.
> Can't get there from here..even though I can ping it.  Even more annoying
> and puzzling is that the Win 98 laptop has no problem but the Linux
> machines all error out.
> Anyway..the point I'm at now is having Apache log everything and looking
> for what it might be.  Ditto DNS and BIND.
> This never happened on 8.2 :-)
> However, learning is fun if frustrating at times.  The only reason for the
> recommendation to my friend is that she's in a hurry and I can't really get
> to this problem until I get some time off the day job in September to chase
> down what is undoubtedly my own screw up.  Working 6 days a week will do
> that.
> I'll talk to her again on Tuesday and see if I can't slow her down a bit. 
> All in all I'd rather she use Mandrake for an enormous number of reasons
> mostly having to do with the small fact that it's the best, IMHO, and often
> least expensive.
> Now I'll go eat and do penance for being cranky by fighting with my cats
> over just who will eat the chicken. :-)
> ttfn
> John
Again I am baffled, I use eth0 as internal and eth1 as the external devices 
since I didn't know any better.  It works just dandy all through my system. 
MCC has caused me no problems, (well with the exception of the current beta, 
it is not playing nice in beta 1) So the old YMMV continues to be a 
reasonable statement. I would suggest that your friends business would run 
just fine on MandrakeLinux, ours does. Only problems we have are squirrels 
getting fried on the transformers and knocking out our power for about 4ns.  
The seem to vaporize quickly.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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