Or go spend some $70 smackers on Partition Magic, it'll run in Windoze, and
can be used to fix a bunch of HD problems. A cheaper alternative may be to
try the "format /mbr" command in DOS, you should be able to get there with
the F8 key when you see the "loading Windoze9x..." message, then select the
"command prompt only" option from the menu, and hit ENTER. Good luck,


----- Original Message -----
From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] OK maybe I should start from scratch

> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > Linux loads VERY slowly compared to RedHat on an old 486, once loaded
> > however the startup process is normal and generally the machine appears
> > to run OK. LILO also loads very slowly before that, and I can no longer
> > get DOS to load at all from LILO (it says loading DOS and nothing
> > happens).
> >
> I have the same symptom here when I first boot up my computer.
> However, I go ahead and walk away from the 'puter and let it get into
> Linux and then I hit CTL+ALT+DEL and reboot and it starts up VERY
> quickly. For some reason when it first boots up, I get something like
> 2 Bogomips. But, when I reboot, I get 198 bogomips. I don't know why,
> but I have to do that initial reboot. Give that a shot!
> > I have had some intermittent problems with screen
> > freezes in KDE under one of two conditions, either while
> > scrolling a window quickly with the  scroll tab or when the
> > machine is left alone for several hours.
> >
> Scrolling sounds like a video card problem. The locking after being
> left alone sounds like hardware APM. Turn off APM and see if that
> doesn't help.
> >
> > Now the kicker. I decided to see if upgrading to 6.1
> > would help before I  > went to more desperate measures. The machine
> > will NOT boot from either  > the CDROM or the floppy (yes I did set
> > the bios boot sequence to allow  > that). It will wait a LONG time
> > and then go on to boot from the C drive. >
> >
> Hmm...strange. *shrug* At this point, it probably wouldn't hurt to
> wipe the system and reinstall.... might have to get a Windows floppy
> (IF it'll boot from that!) and wipe the system that way!
> John

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