> mencoder input.mpg [or .avi or .wmv] -ovc lavc -lavcopts > vcodec=mpeg4 -vop scale=640:480 -oac copy -o output.avi
Let's say you want to do the reverse - avi to mpeg, for a VCD. I've been able to get DVD ripping to go to avi more or less all right, but VCD's want mpeg and it's not clear to me which filters to use. > around 20 to 25 normalized wav's to an audio CDr, 100 to 125 mp3's > to a data CDr ;) And FWIW, Sony markets a portable CD player for about $69 that plays both CDs and MP3 CD's now. I'll probably be getting one in a week or so. 60 hours of music on a portable ... neat... > Tom Brinkman Corpus Christi, Texas ------------------------------------------------------------------------ David E. Fox Thanks for letting me [EMAIL PROTECTED] change magnetic patterns [EMAIL PROTECTED] on your hard disk. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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