On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 10:07:43 -0700
Eric Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:

> It's the starting / non-accellerated speed that's giving me trouble,
> though.  I can't figure out how it changed, either.  It's not like
> pekwm mucks with mouse settings, and i haven't cvs'd since the last
> stable release.

ya, every cvs since pekwm: version CVS Built on Wed Jun 25 01:06:31 EDT
2003 has been seriously fuxored, harbour doesn't work, crashes, etc.

That's what happens when you are completely rewriting the basic
underpinnings of the WM, tho, so I don't blame Claes for that. He's
coding away like mad, a new CVS commit seemingly every two days!

XFCE is cool, but I just can't get into it, I like keychains and
autoprops too much!

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