Hi All,

How do I find this package "urmpi mozilla-spellchecker"?

I did a search but couldn't find anything by this name at Mozilla.org nor on any software site that I went to. I found an archived email that gave instructions to open a console as su and type:

urpmi mozilla-spellchecker-1.3-1mdk.i586.rpm

Just gives me an error.

Can anyone aim me in the right direction to get this installed?

Also I would like to uninstall Netscape 7.1 (since Mozilla is just fine) but I haven't uninstalled anything in Linux yet. Any help there would be appreciated too.


Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:


It does have a spell checker. Interestingly enough the package is called mozilla-spellchecker.

urmpi mozilla-spellchecker

Have fun.

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