ok, i should be shot.  i will try to defend myself later after i discribe what 
i did.  i still don't know why.  

i re-installed, i didn't delete out anything, i told it to 'upgrade' to 
essentially what i already had, MDK9.1.  why i did this, well, i was playing 
around in MCC after i sent the last e-mail to the list, found the area to set 
up how the system boots.  great!  this should work good.  and i swear the 
ONLY thing i changed was telling it how much ram i have, as i just added 2 
new sticks and put the system from 768 to 1024mb, but (DOH!) i entered the 
wrong number, i thin i put 1084mb in there.  so when i went to reboot, i 
couldn't get in AT ALL.  said something about vga/mem needed a value or 
something like that.  i absolutely had no clue what i was doing, and i really 
did NOT want to boot into win98.  that's how much i don't want to use it, 
that i'm willing to screw up the whole mdk install and have to format it out 
and start over from nothing.  luckily, the only thing saved on my /home is my 
e-mail (i'm using kmail, can someone tell me how to get it to save to another 
partition, like one on my 2nd hard drive so i don't lose everything) and my 
bookmarks in mozilla.  so i wouldn't lose anythign important at least, 
everything is saved on a 2nd hard drive that's a FAT32 file type.  

so what do i do now?  i swear i will not touch another thing until someone 
tells me what i need to do.  honest.  this time i won't decide to forge on 
w/out a clue about what i'm doing.  if i need to supply more info, let me 
know, i'll be more than happy to dig it up.  thanks.


The Error Lies Between The Keyboard And The Chair

why i got so dumb with the computer tonight........

i'm exhausted.  i just finished my 2nd week of college, i havn't been in for 7 
years and i'm on freshman level.  i started hitting the gym again after maybe 
a 5 year absence, so not only am i mentally exhausted, but i'm physically 
exhausted, and strained a muscle in my neck last friday (not in the gym, 
thankfully), recovered very quickly, and was in the gym again this past week, 
even though i probably shouldn't of been, it is still a little tender.  so 
yeah, physically and mentally exhausted and drained.  my bios is giving me 
slight problems right now, i really don't to play with it and i have a friend 
who kicks ass with hardware, i'll get him to tell me how to fix it.  i spent 
a few hours earlier this evening trying to get a 2nd computer up and running, 
only to find out that the motherboard is pretty much fried, but that's ok, 
the wife picked it up for $5 and i got a good hard drive (too bad my 
motherboard is IDE and so are all 3 hard drives, cause i don't have room for 
a 3rd hard drive, running CD-RW and DVD drives), DVD ROM drive, 4 sticks of 
ram (2 of them 256mb, which i plugged into this computer earlier tonight), a 
better NVIDIA video card, a Creative MIDI drive (dunno if it works, don't 
know if i'll ever have a use for it), another ethernet card (which i will 
test soon to see if it is good, wouldn't mind a spare one of those either), 
and an HP 14GB tape drive, but no tapes (oh well, don't really have a use for 
it).  plus another case and power supply, both of which are good.  
essentially, all i need to build a 2nd computer now is a motherboard (that 
runs PC133 sdram), processor (the processor in the dead board might still be 
good though), floppy drive, sound card, and a CD-RW drive.  but what does 
this have to do with my problem?  after being so exhausted from the past 2 
weeks, from the time i came home from school today until about 30 minutes ago 
all i have been doing is playing with the computers.  so i've been messing 
with the comptuers for about 8 hours now, with a few breaks, but still......

i should go to bed.  i'm rambling and my dogs are wondering why i'm talking 
while i type, like i'm holding a conversation with the computer.  make a joke 
about all this, i don't care, unless it's a bad joke.  i can handle a joke, 
but bad jokes just shouldn't be told, they're just not funny.  they're 
disappointing.  make a good joke, i could use a laugh.

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