On Saturday September 6 2003 01:26 pm, Margot wrote:
> OK, now I'm confused! This is what I got:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$ df
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda5              49G  2.2G   44G   5% /
> /dev/hda6             8.1G  406M  7.7G   5% /home
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] margot]$
> My HD is supposed to be 60G, but 49G + 8.1G = 57.1G, and for the
> first line 2.2G + 44G = 46.2G - where's the rest?
> Margot

   Your harddrive vendor lied to you ;)  The difference is whether a 
K is 1000 bytes, or what it really is, 1024 bytes in hexdecimal, 
2's complements that computers use.  So (1000/1024)^2, or 
0.9536743164 * 60 gigs = 57.22 gigs.  Your slight difference, ie, 
57.1 <> 57.22 is due to 'df' rounding off to make the output human 

    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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