rikona wrote:
Hello David,

Sunday, September 7, 2003, 9:51:37 AM, you wrote:

DEF> So two morals -- don't use Outhouse, and don't put mailing list
DEF> email addresses in your contacts.

If you don't use OE, then it might be OK to use a contact list. For
example, TheBat email client uses its own list, in a different format,
and in a different place - TheBat does NOT use any Win components. A
virus looking for the Win address book will find it in the usual
place, but it has nothing in it. :-)

Make sure NO Win components get used, and you'll be much better off.

I'll agree that your safer off. There are still two dangers though:

1) That the virus writer included the ability to read multiple forms
   of address books.

2) The person that receives the email is lacking some form of gelatinous
   mass between their ears and runs the infected attachment.

In most cases your right, the chance of option number 1 is slight. Option number 2 on the other hand, seems to be more common. LOL.

Personally, I migrated all my contacts to LDAP and use Thunderbird. No address book and no OE, no problems.

David Filion

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