Hello Bryan,

Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 1:00:03 PM, you wrote:

BP> In the seven weeks since the RIAA announced that they intended to
BP> sue file traders, CD sales have declined by 54%.

I'm really glad to hear that. Serves 'em right - they deserve it.

BP> May also suggest that file sharing actually does encourage music
BP> purchases.

Actually, it does. I was greatly offended by their morally outrageous
actions. I decided to stop buying ANY music from an RIAA member. I
cruised around the net and found that some independent groups are
offering their music free as an introduction. I sampled several of
these and liked some. I also sampled some songs not directly from web
sites, and liked some of these too. End result was I discovered there
are quite a few very nice groups out there. I'm happy to support them
directly. It might be good for them too. If they were with the
robber-labels they would get only a TINY amount of the sales price.
Artists are being ripped off in addition to the public. Everyone loses
except the media cartel.

Another thing I found is that some groups are offering free music, but
charge for concerts. They have adopted a different business model.
This is really the key. The robber-labels are terrified of this
because they will lose control. They are desperately clinging to an
obsolete business model, and willing to use the most Draconian tactics
to keep ripping off others.

BP> The one potentially silver lining is that public outrage may finally spur 
BP> Congress to roll back some of the most egregious changes in the law that they 
BP> put in place at the behest of the recording and entertainment industries.

Very, very unlikely unless it is a HUGE protest. The media cartel has
enormous resources, and have a long record of buying politicians quite
frequently and quite lavishly. The hidden factor is that votes are
increasingly being influenced by media - they can hold this club over
the politicos as well. "Cooperate or you won't get good coverage." A
very powerful message if you're in office.

Boycott ANY music from an RIAA member.


 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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