You can do either of two things. When Lilo starts and you see its prompt (
LILO:), instead of typing "linux" , you type "linux 3" to force the system
to go into runlevel 3 (command line mode). If you want to boot permanently
into runlevel 3, open your editor and edit the file /etc/initab to read

Jesse Royall wrote:

>  Is there a way to change the run level? I have command line only
> availible to me but Mandrake insists on booting all the way up to the
> Desktop where I can't see a thing to beging with. I SWEAR Bill Gates has
> his fingers in with Madrake or Linux (Mandrake would be my choice right
> now). OR windows 98 has somehow leaked over to the slave drive and
> infected Linux. Everytime I turn around something keeps me from
> proceeding to my goal.
> But for now I need to know how to get to the command line after Linux
> boots. I can't do a thing with the desktop. is there something like a F8
> key or some little button to push to kick me back to the line? I have
> tried reinstalling Linux 6 times 6 different ways and they all have sent
> me back to the KDE. I even deleted the partition (which usually works)
> and started from scratch. any ideas?
> Jess
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