Hey John:  
I got it working again. I finally got it to boot with linux 3 and reset
what I needed... 
I also got the video problem fixed.
I have a SiS 5597/5598 video card (actually built into the mother board)
and a Vision Graphic monitor. Took alittle time (couple of hours of
fighting with linux) to get it but I finally got worked around to where I
could get the updates that I needed over to the linux drive and setup
them up. So, everything is working now...exept I can't get the Kppp
thingy working now! hehe.. trying to figure out how to set that thing up

> At the LILO prompt, type "linux 3" (minus quotes.) This will put you
> in Console mode. What kind of video card and monitor do you have?
> Might be able to solve that problem as well. :-)
> Oh, yeah.... once you're in console mode, su to root, and go edit
> your /etc/inittab so that it says 
> id:3:initdefault:  
> instead of 
> id:5:initdefault:
> Good luck!
>       John

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