Sorry ;-)
No i've a sagem fast 800 and i can't change, but it's not a problem with the model but with my system, with gcc i suppose ... i've just installed mdk 91 this WE on my new computer, and it worked correctly on my old computer with mdk 90 ... is there something to do with gcc to build correctly my driver ?

Lanman wrote:

Mael! You sneaky Bu**er! That French thing is tough! Grin! Grin! My
mouth still hurts from trying
to read your email! Ouch!

I had a look at Sagem's driver page and they don't seem to have any
Linux drivers for the 1000 model, only for the 800/400 model. This is
probably the problem that
you are having. If possible, I suggest an external modem equipped
with an RJ45 connector
(Standard Network Interface) instead of USB.


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On 9/22/2003 at 2:21 PM Maël free wrote:

Thanx for trying to speak french, a good french !
I'm a beginner on this mailing list and I thought write on an french


My modem is an extern modem USB, look at this link please :
i've downloaded the driver and when i want to install it, i've many


at compilation (./ linux-...)
Do you think the package for pppoe can work correctly ? because in


it's pppoa (at the bottom of the web page ...)

For my sound card, i think it will never work .. :-( i've to buy


one ...

Mael; Avant que on peut t'aider, on a besoin de savoir le modele de
ton carte de son que vous avez dans ton systeme.

La Prochaine chose, c'est que on a aussi besoin de savoir le mode
avec qui, tu essai de connecter ton modem
a l'Internet. Est-ce que ton modem est un modem d'exterieur? Ou
l'interieur? Si c'est exterieur, vous avez pas de
raison de compiler une nouveau pilote. Vous avez juste besoin de
installer le package qui s'appelle "pppoe", et
la faire configurer.

Repndez S'il Vous Plait!


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