On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Oct 1999, John Aldrich wrote:
> > On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > > For the record, I did not (try to) use the modem under Linux.
> > > But it was in the Pc when I successfully installed Mandrake 6 on the DELL 
> > > PC.
> > > 
> > Ahh...Ok. :-) That explains a lot. :-) It won't work under Linux. Not
> > yet, at least... There's no drivers for WinModems (not sure if there
> > EVER will be... <G>)
> >     John
> pctel has released (alpha?, beta?) drivers for thier modems, you'll find
> them in kernels later than 2.2.13-pre15 (thats 2.2.13-15mdk i think)
Yeah..but pctel modems are pieces of junk -- worse than any other HSP
modem I've dealt with in the past. At least Diamond takes pride in
their HSP modems and doesn't just put out modems that are barely
functional in Windows like PCTel does. I've had to deal with PCTel
modems in my work doing Tech Support at a local ISP. I do NOT want to
start supporting 'em in Linux. I'm *still* going to recommend 100%
hardware modems! :-)

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