That's the price you pay when you tie absolutely everything
to the kernel. 
Adding a new driver? --> reload the kernel (=reboot)
Changing HW config? --> reload the kernel (=reboot)

and so on..

on win98, reboots are really impossible to explain. Changing
an ip address? (or any aspect of the network setup at all) --> reboot.

On the other hand, i think you are exaggerating a little bit --
10 reboots to install the OS? more like 3... :oP

and finally, to answer your question:

Because people don't want to learn, don't care about
the problems they can't see (closed standards? what's that?)
and because those problems you see with Windows setup
being painful is not their problem really (even if they
were to use Linux, they would be calling you --or 
someone else-- in order to get things to work. Whether
it's hard and requires a million reboots or not, it's
your problem. They don't wanna --and won't-- do it themselves).

Whenever a problem appears on your screen, you try to figure
what happened and how to fix it or avoid it from happening again.

Whenever a desktop user sees a problem in his screen, he/she
goes "ufffff", grabs the phone and calls you. 

This is why they seem so stubborn and closed-minded about change.
It's, quite simply, not their concern. You (we) are the ones
supposed to keep the computer going. right? That's what
we get paid for.

Of course, any of us can start babbling things like "OH 
BUT IT *IS* THEIR PROBLEM TOO! HOW ABOUT ..(fill in problem here).." 
But 95% of the pc-using population just don't know or care.

Or, at least, that's the way i see it.

El mié, 01-10-2003 a las 16:57, Chris Blake escribió:
> Greetings,
> Just an OT question since I been using MDK for the last 9 months and am
> frustrated that I still have to install Windows for my clients.
> Why does Linux install everything in one go, with minimal input required
> by user, and windows reboots every .5 seconds whenever something is
> detected.
> As an example, I am currently installing Win2K and Win98 on 7 machines,
> first you install the OS that requires around 10 reboots, then once you
> done that you then have to install motherboard drivers and things which
> requires another million reboots before you can actually say 
> "Well, now its over, I can actually use the fscking thing now !!!!"
> Why ?

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