On Sunday October 5 2003 03:08 pm, ed tharp wrote:
> > That's not bad as a general rule, but I still think there is a
> > place for MS-related posts when there is a relevance to
> > Linux/OSS, as in the case of the Phoenix BIOS post.
> >
> > BTW, please delete the reply-to field in your mail client!
> >
> > Sir Robin
> Just so long as I don't have to acknowledge any M$ product as
> 'the alpha male'. I might even go so far as "anti-anything"
> messages should be kept to the barest possible minimum. lets work
> for 'positive' and pro-active solutions....

   Hell, if we couldn't rant on about M$ B$, a lot of threads would 
lose a bunch of substance. Most of y'all attack the sloppiness of 
Billy's software, but fail to see how much M$ influence has 
degraded desktop hardware quality and ability over the years. If it 
keeps up I'll probly need to buy server racks to keep runnin Linux.
M$ comments should be embedded in (intending to be) 'helpful' Linux 
use replies. 

   New users' queries to newbie about Linux shouldn't be overly 
scared away with posts about "windoze hardare and software" 
crapiness an questionable suitability for Linux. After all the 
Linux community is workin very hard to deal with proprietary 
hardware, even M$ software. And doin better each an every day. 
There I agree, tryin be positive an not derogative in replies to 
new Linux users. Problem is, so is the dark side, an they're gainin 
ground. More'n more hardware (even firmware) is becoming more'n 
more M$ and/or proprietary dependant. To quote M$ and many other 
hardware vendors, 'It only works with Windows (XP)'.  

    I didn't join in to the M$ bios thread because I considered it a 
'borderline' OT subject, but the recent stories (really old news) 
about M$/bios integration .... is nothin new. IBM, Apple, and some 
others have long ago adopted that strategy. Difference is they did 
it with OPEN standards. I doubt M$ will do so since they've tried 
to corral anything they can get a foot in the door with, and EEE 
(extend, embrace, extinguish .... or control). IOW's ... CLOSED. 
The real shame is the hardware (or specially in the case of 
win-hardware) SUX!  (btw, the worst bios, Phoenix... has for 
several years since they bought 'em, owned the best .. Award. Think 
of it as OEM it's probly Phoenix, quality it's still Award)

   I too noticed the "alpha male" remark. It's part of M$'s 
successful brain washin. They've got a lot of the world's 
population thinkin they were the beginning ... and will be the end 
all. Neither of which is/will be true, in spite of many not even 
being aware of anything else, before or after. But OTOH, most new 
Linux users wouldn't be here unless they've already suspected M$ 
veracity an capability.

   As to the subject, there's only one solution. Ignore, don't 
participate in OT for the list threads. If ya wanna spout about 
topics semi or completely unrelated to Mandrake Newbie, please join 
us at   http://mdw1982.dyndns.org/mailman/listinfo/mandrakeot
Please realize that newbies are the most important Linux users, with 
their testing, questions, complaints an suggestions. Without them, 
there'd only be M$, and viable much better alternatives would be 
only for a few, an certainly not single desktop users.

   I was reluctant to reply to this thread, as I thought it at least 
semi off topic. BUT this list needs to seriously reduce OT posts. 
Please post Linux accomplishments and or M$ failures to the OT 
list. Specially political, even religious topics. Nobody will bite 
your head off ... you might even convince somebody or two.
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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