i know, i have mentioned this before, but i am still having problems. 
anytime i open a terminal (xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.) from within X,
the computer completely locks up and i have to hit reset.  if i start
the terminal from a virtual terminal (alt+F2) then it runs fine.  i am
running mandrake 6.1.  i didnt have this problem with 6.0.  i have
reinstalled several packages that seem to be affected, but no luck.  it
seems like there is a software problem outside of the affected programs
that might be causing this.  anyone know how i can track down this
problem?  it is hindering some of my work in linux.  please pass the
slightest bit of info!



ps - is there a quick way to reinstall all of the currently installed
packages from the cdrom?  i would like to avoid redoing a fresh install.

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