On Friday 10 October 2003 01:04 pm, Erylon Hines wrote:
> Anyone have some tips on this?
> It appears that this /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
> will do the trick, but I may be missing something to make this Mandrake
> specific  (the how-to's seem to be written for other distros that place the
> configuration files in /home/~/.spamassassin, which I don't have--should
> I?:

You should and probably do.  However the files are in ~/.spamassassin, the "~" 
character refers to the user's home directory, which is usually /home/user 
and the .spamassassin directory is there.

> rewrite_subject 1
> defang_mime 1
> required_hits 5
> spam_level_stars 3
> subject_tag ***SPAM***
>     auto_whitelist_path        /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist
>     auto_whitelist_file_mode   0666
> I assume that I can just add @validaddress.com
> to my whitelist in /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-whitelist to prevent
> filtering of known groups that I belong to (@mandrake-linux.com for
> example).

This is one way, although I would recommend using the whitelist_from_rcvd 
which is much more specific, you need to specify the from as well as the 
domain separately and this parameter matches the From address with the domain 
in the received header to make sure it is the same.  That means that a 
spammer can't just spoof the from address, he would also need to spoof the 
received header as well.

Another way to do this, which is actually the way that I do it, is to filter 
known whitelist persons with procmail directly before it gets to 
spamassassin.  That way, you don't waste time processing messages that you 
know that you want to receive.  Speeds up mail delivery,saves resources, and 
is generally more efficient.  There is not much use in letting spamassassin 
do its various tests and attach a score if you know in advance that your 
whitelist parameter will cause the score to be so low that it will never flag 
it as spam.
> Can I blacklist by adding a line to /etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf
>      auto_blacklist @badaddress.com
> or should I make a /var/spool/spamassassin/auto-blacklist flolder and can I
> get it to work by adding a path to the /local.cf?

I don't think that Spamassassin supports auto blacklist.  It wouldn't do you 
much good anyway, most spammers will constantly change their From header so 
any such attempts would be pretty much fruitless.

> I'm a little unclear about the "Spam" folder in kmail.  I created a filter
> "Move to Spam Folder" with the criteria "IX-Spam-Flag: YES"--am I correct?

If you want to keep flagged mail somewhere until you look at it, however I 
think that the criteria is <X-Spam-Flag> contains YES

What you might consider doing is setting the spam level fairly high in the 
local.cf, I set mine at 8.  Then use a procmail filter to catch everything 
that is flagged at that level and move it to /dev/null or a separate mail 
spool.  In Kmail, simply create a second filter that so:  <X-Spam-Level> 
contains ****   and move it to your spam folder.  Now, any mail that is 
flagged at 8 or more by spamassassin gets discarded without looking and any 
mail that is questionable, between 4 and 8, goes into your spam folder for 
checking before being discarded.  This works very, very well for me and I see 
almost no spam at all anymore but still get to report the ones that slip past 
the level 8 to providers simply by forwarding the messages in my spam folder 
in Kmail.

Bryan Phinney
Software Test Engineer

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