John Richard Smith wrote:

modelling, animation, texturing, workflow & rendering.

Could you kindly define for this rank newbie 3d modeler, what each of the 5 subject headings mean.

okie :P

Modelling, I guess making a 3d outline.

well ... this is about making the shape of things ... say you want to make a dog ... there's ways and ways of approaching it ... you might start of a cube, extrude (you can think of it as stretching the cube) until you get where you want, or work with curved surfaces ... that you define ... or starting from points which you move around ... in short .. various techniques of modelling.
blender is pretty well rounded .. but many people still use Wings3d as it's meant ONLY for modelling, and it's quite strong in the modelling (haven't used it too much to be able to say much)

Animation, speaks for itself.

yep, kinda ... but this also can be done in many ways ... in more basic ways (keyframes) .. and in more advanced ways (mixing different actions in the animation mixer). Blender is kewl here. Also it can use animation to make modelling stuff .. which is really cool (eg. you have a stair .. that you "animate" as moving in a spiral .. than you "materialize" it along the way .. and taaadaa .. you've got a spiral stairway)

Texturing , I suppose this is about colouring in the 3d outline ?

it's about putting picures on pollygons ... say you make a wall ... now that you're done with modelling it .. you might put a picture of bricks along it .. and you've got a brick wall ;-)

Workflow, ?

this is about how fast you can work ... how easy it is to go to bigger & bigger projects ... basically productivity ... this is a very stroing point of Blender ... it's soo strong that it's quite scary for the beginners (full of shortucts, tricks & workarounds that are awesome for the "swimmer" .. but scary for the first timer who's getting his toes wet (not to mention the at first strange look & buttons & stuff) )

rendering , ?

well ... this is about how good your stuff comes out ... it's like ... you can make an awful model & stuff but still have it look quite good ... for example you might make just a couple of cubes & scatter them around ... and put in a light somewhere ... this boring thing might at some point with a good rendering look quite great if you make one of the cubes reflective, another trasparent .. and the others cast interesting shadows on their siblings ... like I said ... this atm isn't Blender's strongest point ... but you can still get great results ... and there ARE ways to get awesome results (tricks & exports) ... and also real hopes (I hear starting from 2.30 (now it's 2.28) things will become even easier and more standard to export & render ... and even in 2.29 I understand there'll be serious improovements in the area)


hope this helped.

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