On Saturday 08 November 2003 06:25 pm, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Saturday 08 November 2003 02:15 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > There was a big discussion in the Club forums about whether these
> > guys are really partners of MandrakeSoft or whether they are just
> > being sleazy and trying to make it look like they are.  None of
> > there agreements list Mandrakesoft as a actual signatory, although
> > the descriptions represent that they are authorizing all of this.
> >
> > The discussion on the Club started because some guy that was
> > selling the download edition on e-bay got his auctions yanked
> > because himandrake represented themselves to ebay as the owner of
> > the mandrake trademarks and copyrights.  If this is a US based
> > partner of MandrakeSoft that is enforcing an exclusive agreement,
> > fine, but they could also be a sleazy outfit that is trying to
> > profit off of Mandrake's good name.
> >
> > I am more inclined to think the latter because I don't see anywhere
> > on the himandrake site where they state they are an official
> > partner, and every place where they might say so, it refers only to
> > himandrake or Heavy Industrial and there are no links to the
> > MandrakeSoft or linux-mandrake websites.
> Greg:
> Evidently HiMandrake _does_ have some sort of an arrangement with
> Mandrake. See the November 5 post by fbhancilhon (AKA Francois --
> IIRC, he is Mandrake's marketing HMFIC). It's partway down this page:
> http://www.mandrakeclub.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Splatt_Forum&;
> Let me see if I've got this straight:
> 1. Mandrake invented the Mandrake Club two years ago as a way of
> resolving its cash problems.
> 2. In order to increase Club membership, Mandrake recently sweetened
> the pot by allowing only Club members to download 9.2 for the first
> few weeks after release.
> 3. Mandrake's distributor (HiMandrake) gets the Club-only files,
> burns some CD's, and offers them on e-bay _before_ the ISO's are
> available to man + dog. Sorta defeats the Club exclusivity feature,
> doesn't it?
> 4. The same distributor also shuts down anyone else who tries the
> same scam^H^H^H^Hdeal, claiming to have exclusive rights.
> 5. Mandrake's marketing guy says, "No big deal."
> Huh?
Cash poor companies have done dumber things
> -- cmg


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