I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.

under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.

The first time I used mandrake 6, with Postfix, it seemed like all was well
and running fine however, I started getting messages from friends that they
were not getting mail to me or responses from me.

I went through and manually configured all the options in postfix (the ones
it supposedly figures out) and the problem got worse, then worse still so
that I could not mail from one user to another ON the machine, and relays
from one user to another didn't work either, along with sometimes getting
mail, sometimes not.

I wiped reinstalled, and the problem wasn't much different.  I can relay
through my box, the intent I wanted, but I can not receive mail on the

I finally received a little help from weise (maker of postfix) that at least
showed me there were mail errors...

postfix/local[3606]: fatal: open database /etc/postfix/aliases.db: No such
file or directory

of course the message is kindof false.  the aliases are there...

however I found that when I added new aliases, the "Newaliases" command
would not operate on /etc/postfix/aliases, but instead operated on

No problem I thought... Change Main.cf (postfix config file) and tell it the
file is actually in /etc  right??


different error (don't have it at this time)
but it said it was an incompatible format or something similar to it, with a
.dbm extension mentioned.


I'm trying to install RH6.1 now to see if there is any difference.

Has anyone had this kind of problem?

Local Mail fails to deliver.

NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name

Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So if
I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on the
system, they WOULD get the message.

so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the machine,
or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just stack
up in the deferred folder.


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