On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.
> under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
> reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.
[mega-clip for brevity]
> Local Mail fails to deliver.
> NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name
> Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
> manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So if
> I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on the
> system, they WOULD get the message.
> so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the machine,
> or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just stack
> up in the deferred folder.
> help...
Silly question, I know, but have you double-checked to make sure that
Sendmail isn't still enabled? I've read that if you have Sendmail AND
Postfix (I think that's the combo) neither one will work correctly.
Also, IIRC, Sendmail is ON by default in Mandrake, at least in the
"custom" setup that I choose each time. Might want to double-check

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