sendmail on or off same result

I've spent most of the night here wiping the drive and reinstalling, this
time with RedHat's 6.1 via ftp.

funny thing... The RH install didn't go the way I say is "correct" either.
I was used to the options to set my nic being present when I finished the
installs, and hence would be able to surf immediately once in KDE/Xwin...

however... RH didn't keep my settings for DNS, Default Route, and I'm
finding that with RH, they are sticking with sendmail and they don't do a
full configuration (automagically) as they had in past builds so I am unable
to POP mail from the box.

At this point I'm wishing I'd stuck to needlework/patch-quilts or something
other than computers..  ;)

After installing RH, they default to gNome, no harm intended, but I didn't
want Gnome, I wanted KDE, and Mandrake's KDE default was set up nicely and
all icons were good to go... RH however is trying to be like microsoft and
put three icons on the desktop for RH web sites, but no Netscape icon, I'm
getting off subject... sorry..

Needless to say, if anyone could come up with a "here's a real
troubleshooting index" for the types of problems experienced under Postfix,
I'd love to reinstall Mandrake and trouble shoot the problems through.

As it is I've got real important work to do, and this "upgrade to get away
from badly outdated RH5.1" has left me a week behind and wishing I could
just shoot something, perhaps myself in the foot.

Ending it all, I found to be great with what they have for
NHF's (newbie friendly help files) but they haven't covered Sendmail, and
Postfix's site is primarily a here's how you config it, now how you fix it,
sendmail is similar to that, and so whoever sets up the best in the
beginning is how I _HAVE_ to go just for sanity's sake.

So again... Apologies for this being long winded, I have been here at the
office now for just over 36 hours, two two hour naps on a cold but carpeted
floor, and again... if anyone can pass along really good sites with
TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS extensively covering Sendmail and Postfix, I would be
really really REALLY appreciative!

Thanks ALL!!!

R.'Trebor' Groves
Network Technician, HarvardNet

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Aldrich
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 1999 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Postfix mail will not deliver locally, will not
error back

On Fri, 22 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> I switched from RH 5.1 to Mandrake 6, then 6.1, each a clean install.
> under RH, sendmail seemed ok, but there were numerous hacks and bugs
> reported for RH5.1 so I decided to upgrade.
[mega-clip for brevity]
> Local Mail fails to deliver.
> NO Error messages returned for unknown users at my computer's domain name
> Oh... but after I had reloaded (when I gave up on my first attempt to
> manually fix) I could send locally, but not from OUTSIDE into users.  So
> I logged into my box, opened PINE and sent a message to someone else on
> system, they WOULD get the message.
> so delivery out bound (either from a user directly logged onto the
> or via relays) no problem.. In bound, no delivery all the emails just
> up in the deferred folder.
> help...
Silly question, I know, but have you double-checked to make sure that
Sendmail isn't still enabled? I've read that if you have Sendmail AND
Postfix (I think that's the combo) neither one will work correctly.
Also, IIRC, Sendmail is ON by default in Mandrake, at least in the
"custom" setup that I choose each time. Might want to double-check

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