Hi all.

I finally got 9.2 installed yesterday. It has so many changes it's
almost like learning a new distro. I'm sure I'll have many questions in
the coming weeks, but for now my question is: How do I connect to the
Internet from my desk top. At this point my only choice is to open the
Mandrake Control Center> select Networking> and click on the
connect/disconnect button. There just has to be an easier way.

Thanks again for the help.

LTR  }}:{(

On Sunday 23 November 2003 11:05 am, Brandon Erik Bertelsen wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I am using a PPOE connection to the Internet. The connection
> works perfectly, however, I would like to create a shortcut on
> my desktop that initializes the connection. So far the only way
> that I can create the connection is through:
> Configure Your Computer ( Mandrake Control Center, which
> requires root access ) --> Network & Internet --> DrakConnect
> --> and Pushing the connect button in the dialogue window.
> Subsequently, another method is to create the connection in a
> manner that accesses the connection at boot up. Which, takes a
> very long time in my opinion.
> Does anyone know of a way to create a shortcut to a specific
> connection profile on the desktop, without having to use root
> access and without loading the connection at boot.
> Regards and Thanks in advance,
> Brandon Erik Bertelsen
www.Bertelsen.ca - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Distribution: Mandrake
> Linux 9.2 Dell Inspiron 4150, 1.7 P4-mobile, 256 MB ram, ATI
> 7500 32 MB, 30 GB HDD

     I always use rp-prpoe instead of drakconnect.  You'll need
   (those are on a 10.0 system, you might have older versions on
your CD's.  They may have even already been installed.)

     After those are installed, run (as root) 'adsl-setup' which
asks you about 6 or 7 questions. It's very easy.  Then (as root)
run 'tkpppoe'.  That should bring up a little GUI, already
configured for your connection. Click on the tabs on top and
about all you need to change is to check the box by "allow use by
non-root users".

    When you installed rp-pppoe-gui it should have added a menu
item under Networking | Remote access | Tkpppoe   Clicking on
that will start the GUI, with Start, Stop, Exit buttons. You
should be able to start your connection as user by clicking on
Start. There's a little window in the upper left that turns green
when you're connected, turns yellow under data load.  If you want
a desktop icon all you need to do is create one pointing
to /usr/bin/tkpppoe .  I just start it from the menu, and after
the connection is made, minimize it to the taskbar.

     You might wanna watch it for a little while, just under the
little 'green' window there's a moving graph, and numerical
readouts of up and down speeds.  'Course if you minimize it to
the task bar you can bring it back up at any time to check
connection speed.

     Now that's all from memory, so before you start, after the
rpms are installed,  paste  file:/usr/share/tkpppoe/tkpppoe.html
into any browser and read the docs. They're very clear and
simple, even has screen shots ;)   If you want even more info
      Tom Brinkman                 Corpus Christi, Texas

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