To set up a file server for windows machines you need to install the samba server package - it's on your MDK installation disks, use Software Package Management from Mandrake Control Center. To configure samba server you should read the Samba-HOWTO, just to know what you're doing.

To check if the NIC is configured correctly, open a terminal window and type:

This will print out the current configuration of the NIC, something like this:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:22:33:44:55
          inet addr:xx.xx.xx.xx  Bcast:xx.xx.xx.xx  Mask:xx.xx.xx.xx

Notice "UP" and "RUNNING", they tell you the NIC is properly configured. Then look at the "inet addr", it will tell you if the DHCP server provided you with a valid IP address. If you don't see UP and RUNNING, or the IP addresses are invalid, then you might have a problem with DHCP server.


I have Mandrake Linux 9.2 up and running on a PC I hope to use as a file
server.  I have two additional PCs running Windows 98SE in a peer-to-peer
network configuration.  One of them also supplies an ADSL connection to all
PCs in my network (I used to have 3 running 98).  The ADSL PC runs WinRoute
Lite, acting as a DHCP server, to accomplish the internet sharing.
(Ultimately, I'd like the Linux PC to do that and act as a firewall as well,
but one thing at a time here!)

I am having a hard time getting my Linux PC on my windows network, to say
nothing of getting it internet access.  In the LAN configuration screen, I
set my NIC to DHCP and click "Activate," but I get nothing.  I must be
missing something... any ideas? Is there a good tutorial available somewhere
that tells me how to accomplish this?  Any common problems I need to be
aware of?  Linux is completely foreign to me!!!



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