I have seen the Package in the store.  Not sure what it includes.  You
might still be able to find it.  I think that Sun has already made a lot
of improvements to Star Office in version 5.1a.  Now you don't have to
go through the arcane registration process.  Now if they would fix the
Java and the printing it would be great.
And some fonts would help.

Benjamin Sher wrote:
> Dear friends:
> Before StarOffice was bought by Sun, it was offered free for personal
> use by StarDivision. There was also the option to purchase it for $39.95
> from StarDivision. Does anyone know what that original $39.95 Personal
> Edition contained: e.g. was there a Font Installer? More fonts? More
> clip art? Multilingual support (Cyrillic)? Etc. What happened to that
> original edition? Is it still available? I don't see anything about it
> on the www.sun.com site. Is it worth bothering with?
> Thank you so much.
> Benjamin
> --
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net

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