On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Jeanette Russo wrote:
> > 
> > I have seen the Package in the store.  Not sure what it includes.  You
> > might still be able to find it.  I think that Sun has already made a lot
> > of improvements to Star Office in version 5.1a.  Now you don't have to
> > go through the arcane registration process.  Now if they would fix the
> > Java and the printing it would be great.
> > And some fonts would help.
> > Jeanette
> I have asked this question before, and will try again.  Does
> anyone know specifically what are the "upgrades' from the
> original SO5.1 to Sun's 5.1a?

AFAIK the only difference is the registration process.

> It takes a hell of a long time to d/l the package over a 64K
> satellite link shared by a few people, so I'd prefer to know
> first before I jump.

It took me about 8 hrs to download the windows 5.1 version over a 28.8 modem
(64M + 14M patch)


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