On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Today I tried installing Fortify into netscape. But I ran into a problem
> When I try to UN zip the file I get an alarm that says it doesn't know  -xf-
> I'm using this command
> gzip -dc Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86.tar.gz | tar -xf-
> what am I doing wrong? I'm really bad with tar files as you can see
Oh, two things you'll need to keep in mind. First, give it the path
to Netscape (/usr/lib/netscape/Netscape<version> instead of
/usr/bin/netscape.) And second, when it prompts you for a yes/no, it
doesn't want just a "y" or "n" response. It wants the WHOLE word.

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