Well ,you shouldn't have to wait too long. Nvidia and SGI are working with Mesa to
help develop access to hardware accelration for openGL under Linux. The API's are
suppposed to be released in Mesa 4.0 which they estimate will be out before the end
of the year.

Sam Walker

Guillermo Belli wrote:

> Yeah, maybe I was wrong....
> El dom, 24 oct 1999, escribiste:
> > On Sun, 24 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > > I think we won't see the 'real good' games for Linux until we have 3D
> > > acceleration other than 3dfx for our beloved OS.
> > >
> > Ummm. . .im gonna have to disagree with that.  Is Q3 not a "real good game?"
> > Granted its mainly a multiplayer game, but it's a "real good" multiplayer game
> > (in my opinion).  Same can be said for Unreal Tournament.  Elsewise. if you've
> > played the Win32 versions of Heavy Gear II or Descent 3. . .i think those are
> > all "real good" games that are coming to Linux. . .and these efforts would
> > probably be hampered quite a bit had there been no base to stand on.  So what
> > if that base is in the form of 3dfx?  God grant, everyone's heard the "shame on
> > 3dfx for releasing such substandard 'next generation' boards", but hey. .
> > .whatever works for now eh?  At the time the Voodoo2 was a revolutionary
> > cchipset and yes it is a shame to not see 3dfx continue that trend but it is a
> > starting point. . .Im thankful for that at least
> >
> >       Good things are afoot however. . .Xfree86 4 will
> > include Mesa for 3D rendering and many of the games coming will include Mesa
> > based renderers so fear not. . .that and seeing as how nVidia is also a major
> > player in the Linux OpenGL Base Project, i think Linux support (GOOD Linux
> > support even!) for all present and future nVidia chipsets is a for sure. . .
> >
> >
> >  --
> >
> > Seth Gibson
> > www.mp3.com/PSM0x2710
> > members.tripod.com/cybernetic_thunder (Under Construction)
> > To paraphrase my friend stephen:
> > "life can be like that great ifs xscreensaver. . .random garbage goes in
> > and sometimes, beautiful things come out."
> --
> Guillermo Belli
> Registered Linux User #131340
> http://sites.netscape.net/memo81 (under construction)

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