On Tue, 26 Oct 1999,Jeff Sawatzky wrote:
  | I am new to linux and have no clue as to what I am doing, so lets just
  | get to the questions:
  | 1) How do I get linux to mount /dev/hda1 to /mnt/win ecery time I start
  | it up?
  | 2) How do I get my Zip drive to work, and how do I mount it?
  | 3) I one CD-ROM (which works) and a Sony CD-RW, how do I get my CD-RW to
  | work?
  | 4) I have a D-Link DFE-530TX dual speed ethernet PCI card, how do I get
  | it to work?
  | 5) How do I upgrade linux?
  | well that is it for now I think.
  | By the way, I am using Mandrake 6.0, so if there are any bug fixes that
  | I should have, please let me know of them and how to install them.  I
  | have absolutly no clue what I am doing.
  | Jeff Sawatzky

In the /etc/mtab file, add a line that looks something like this, only use the
folder path of your choice instead of the /mnt/DOS_hda1 shown here. This should
do the job for question number 1, I think.

For 2, 3, and 4, I do not know, as I have none of these devices on my system.

As for item number 5, if you can get online in Mandrake, then use the Mandrake
Update tool in KDE (it may be available in Gnome, but I don't use that desktop).
You must first connect to the Internet, then click the program icon, and follow
the prompts. Mandrake Update makes it easy to update the version on your system
( with fixes etc.). It will download the packages you select, and install them
as well. I recomend doing the updates one at a time, I've heard people having
problems doing multiples.

If you can not get online in Mandrake, then do the download from your other OS,
and put the packages in a known folder (like c:\downloade\linux or something),
then restart the 'puter and boot Linux. Mount the partition containing the
files you downloaded, and run rpm something like this in a console window or

        rpm -Uvh <path to file>

where the path to the file will be (assuming you used /Win as the mount point
for DOS drive C:, and the files are located in C:\downloads\linux):


You can go to http://www.linux-mandrake.com and folow the links to an ftp
mirror site near you for the downloads. When you log onto the mirror, select
the folder for your version, then the updates folder to get fix packages.



/dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=auto 0 0

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