I did this and updated a lot of things, but I didn't see a way to
update the kernel.  I have mandrake 6.0 which I don't think comes with
the latest kernel version and none of the mirrors on the list had
anything that looked like a kernel update package.  so how do you
update the kernel?

> As for item number 5, if you can get online in Mandrake, then use
the Mandrake
> Update tool in KDE (it may be available in Gnome, but I don't use
that desktop).
> You must first connect to the Internet, then click the program icon,
and follow
> the prompts. Mandrake Update makes it easy to update the version on
your system
> ( with fixes etc.). It will download the packages you select, and
install them
> as well. I recomend doing the updates one at a time, I've heard
people having
> problems doing multiples.
> If you can not get online in Mandrake, then do the download from
your other OS,
> and put the packages in a known folder (like c:\downloade\linux or
> then restart the 'puter and boot Linux. Mount the partition
containing the
> files you downloaded, and run rpm something like this in a console
window or
> session:
> rpm -Uvh <path to file>
> where the path to the file will be (assuming you used /Win as the
mount point
> for DOS drive C:, and the files are located in C:\downloads\linux):
> /Win/downloads/linux/<packagename>
> You can go to http://www.linux-mandrake.com and folow the links to
an ftp
> mirror site near you for the downloads. When you log onto the
mirror, select
> the folder for your version, then the updates folder to get fix
> HTH,
> Ernie
> /dev/hda1 /mnt/DOS_hda1 vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,conv=auto 0 0

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