On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> Does anyone see this message? I am having a hell of a time posting to this list and 
>would normally not run a test posting. Sorry if this is the one that actually makes 
>it out there. Of course, if it is, here's my very annoying installation problem:
> Here is my basic situation. I have a Pentium 2 266. Fresh new 20G hard drive that I 
>want to install Linux to. In order to ascertain that the drive works, I created two 
>DOS partitions on it and then removed them. Disk seems to work just fine.
> I went throught the basic installation for Mandrake. I set 3 partitions. First swap 
>of 120meg. / of 4gig. /home of 500meg. I accepted the default packages to install and 
>selected to format all of my new Linux partitions. The next screen says the system is 
>creating the filesystem on hdb5. A cursor sits there and flashes, but after some 
>initial activity, there is no noise from the hard drive. This goes on as long as I 
>allow it to, just sitting there. Eventually, I ctrl-alt-deleted out, as there was no 
>response to other keyboard input. 
> Does this sound familiar to anyone? What could possibly cause such a hang? I'm 
>feeling pretty helpless, and the only thing the mandrake support guy said was "wait 
>longer"...uh I've waited up to 30 minutes and nothing is happening in there... Hope 
>the readers here know more than the support guys. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
> Gregg

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Apart from posting in HTML, your message is getting out.
As for your problem in installing, what kind of install did
you do? Another thing, your partitioning is a bit screwy.
I'd make a "/boot" directory of 10-15 megs first, as Linux
needs to have the kernel within the first 1024 cylinders or
it'll barf, but it sounds like you didn't get that far.

How much RAM do you have? How are you starting up the
system? Are you booting off the CDROM or off the boot
floppy? For that matter, do you have any SCSI devices in
your system? What other hardware do you have installed in
your system??? There are any number of things which could
be causing the problem.

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