John Aldrich wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> >       "I still have my mailer configured to send HTML even though
> >        I'll probably be beaten for it when I send mail to people
> >        who don't read HTML mail?"
> >
> >       :)  Turn it off, please.
> >
> I think I beat him up about it enough. ;-)
> >
> > Well, "wait longer" is a valid answer for a large partition.  However,
> > if there's something wrong, the debugging information provided by the
> > alternate screens will make it pretty obvious (at least to us!).  Post
> > information if you're still having problems.
> >
> > Good luck!
> >
> Good thinking, Steve! I forgot all about that 'cause I've never had
> to use it! :-)

The "good luck" part?  Hell, my system administration skills DEPEND upon

Or did you mean the debug screens?  :)

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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