
My old box does keep me waiting some, but not nearly as bad as in Win95. I
mostly wait for apps to load, once their loaded, things work pretty good. I am
using an AMD x5-133 with 80M RAM on a 486a-VIP MB wh. a PCI bus - it was a
pretty good board when I got it. A new board-CPU is on the wish list, but I got
a rule about toys (this particular toy is my one great passion), I never buy
them on credit, and other expences allways come first (like all those little
emergencies that seem to crop up whenever you get a little extra cash saved).
This way when I play, I don't need to deal with any "guilt" for the fun I have.

The only bug I know of is the one with the kdelibs package conflicting with
the kcmclock package. But, then again, I am a newbie just like you, and am not
on the Mandrake staff so there may be other bugs. Did you try to do the
work-around with kdelibs by removing kcmclock, then reinstalling kdelibs ? 


On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Jaguar wrote:
  | FYI
  | When I first got L-M 6.0 home, and installed it...it was to an AST 486 - 66,
  | with 16 MB Ram.  It installed perfectly ie: no conflicts with CPU, but was
  | extremely S L O W...:(
  | I have since put L-M on a Cyrix GM 233 Pentium system with 32 MB Ram, same
  | install...but much faster.
  | Jaguar
  | "Ernest N. Wilcox Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  | > Rick,
  | > 
  | > I had a variety of seemingly unrelated problems when I did the update from
  | > Mandrake 6.0 to 6.1. Most if not all of them were fixed when I removed the
  | > kcmclock package, and reinstalled the kdelibs package. I also did some
  | changes
  | > to my rpmrc file, to let rpm install the Mandrake packages on my old
  | 486-style
  | > system. Maybe you should do the kdelibs fix and see if it has anything to
  | do
  | > with the update tool (unless you already have)?
  | > 
  | > If you have a 486-style system, rpm (which is used by both Mandrake Update
  | and
  | > Kpackage) will by default refuse to install 586 packages on a 486 machine.
  | > Axilon was gracious enough to give me the hack for the rpmrc file - BTW
  | Thanks
  | > AX! - located on my system at /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc. Edit the file with your
  | > favorite text editor, and modify the three related lines to match as below:
  | > 
  | >   arch_compat: i486: i386 i586
  | >   arch_compat:  osfmach3_i486: i386 osfmach3_i586
  | >   buildarch_compat: i486: i386 i586
  | > 
  | > I cannot remember what information was in these lines prior to the hack, but
  | I
  | > added (I think the i486) stuff to each line.
  | > 
  | > I also modified my kdelinks for Kpackage and Mandrake Update in my normal
  | user
  | > desktop so I could run them as if I was a superuser. I added "kdesu -c "
  | > (without the quotes) to the front of the command lines in the Execute tab of
  | the
  | > properties box for each link. Now Mandrake Update, RPM, and Kpackage all
  | work as
  | > intended for me.
  | > 
  | > Before the rpmrc hack, Mandrake Update would download the RPM's, then tell
  | me
  | > that the packages were for a diferent architecture in an error box, and not
  | > install anything. After hacking rpmrc, I was able to remove the kcmclock
  | > package, which permitted me to fix kdelibs by installing the package
  | (Kpackage
  | > reported that kdelibs was not installed) from the CD, and get all available
  | > updates installed with Mandrake Update. Since these changes, I have not
  | found
  | > anything which will not work on my system. I hope there is something in
  | here
  | > which will be of help for you,
  | > 
  | > Ernie
  | > 
  | > 
  | > On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Rick Murphy wrote:
  | >   | Since re-installing Mandrake 6.1 I have a problem using the mandrake
  | update
  | >   | program.  It will call up the updates but after I sign in as root it
  | will not
  | >   | download and update the files.  Is there something I didn't install when
  | I
  | >   | re-installed mandrake?
  | >   | 
  | >   | Rick
  | >   | 
  | >   | 
  | >   | -- 
  | >   | "I don't want to swim in a roped off sea," JB
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