On Thursday 12 February 2004 05:20 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
> Marc Resnick wrote:
> >Last time I tried to make a partition to give Linux more hard drive space,
> > I completely screwed up Linux. Here's my plan for doing it this time. If
> > there's anything I might screw up by doing this, please tell me.
> >
> >1. Use Partition Magic in windows to resize my NTFS Windows Partition.
> >
> >2. Boot Linux, use Diskdrake to create a partition from the free space,
> > place it at the end of the sector.(I want to use Linux to do this so it
> > 'knows' that I added this partition. Last time I think the problem was
> > that it took mdk by surprise, screwing up the labels.)
> >
> >3. Do ln /home/marc /mnt/nameofpartition
> >
> >
> >Sound good?
> I would not do this.
> If windows and linux are on the same hard drive then use PM for all
> partitoning.
> If they are on seperate hard drives use PM on windows HD,
> and diskdrake on Linux HD.
> If you use PM on windblows HD then format all partitions initially with
> FAT32 and let PM give each partition a volume lable.
> Then, when in diskdrake of Linux install, reformat the already
> partitioned HD with linux formatting tools, but don't let it do any
> partitioning itself.
> If you have a linux only HD, then use diskdrake to do both partition and
> formatting.
> So plan what you are going to do and follow that scheme of things.
> The one thing I always avoid is mixing partition tools on the same hard
> drive.
> Others disagree with me, but I have always found this to be the case and
> doing
> this I avoid all kinds of messups that take 5 times as much time to
> repair than if
> I had taken an 'n'th more time and trouble in the first place.
> I believe there are good solid reasons not to mix partition tools on the
> same HD.
> It is not just the method used to calculate partition sizes, but dos
> naming conventions
> as well. Hmm, you might say , who cares about dos naming convention, dos
> is history.
> Not so, some modern OS's still need certain uptodate dos naming
> conventions,
> eg. One primary. One extended dos partition, containing any number of
> logical
> dos partitions) old dos naming convention does not follow that pattern.
> I believe Diskdrake does the old dos naming convention and can be the
> cause of grief.
> So Diskdrake creates,
> Up to 4 primary dos partitions, one extended containing any number of
> logicals.
> At the end of the day you want hard drives whose partitioning sizing is
> consistantly
> measured. Hard drives that follow modern dos naming convention.
> I have always followed the abovementioned rules and find them to be
> trouble free.
> No install refusals, no messed up partitions wasteful in dead HD space.
> I had a tiny old HD that I partition entirely with W2K just to see what
> dos naming
> convention resulted , that is how I learnt about modern dos naming
> convention.
> Then of course if I had usedthe old dos fdisk I can choose , but neither
> of these two
> partition tools can save existing data. So don't bother with them.
> If you have PM use it on the windblows HD to do all partitioning and
> initally format them
> with FAT32 and give the partitions a volume lable. then format the
> partitions allocated
> to linux with diskdrake during the linux install.
> John

I'm partly afraid of using Partition Magic now. Last time I created a FAT32 
partition, I couldn't delete it. I permanently(or at least permanently for my 
knowledge) screwed up fstab, and had to reinstall linux, then use diskdrake 
to successfully delete the partition. But If I just resize the NTFS partition 
with PM, I could safely use diskdrake to create the partition at the end of 
the Extended, am I correct?


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