On Thu, 28 Oct 1999,Tom Brinkman wrote:
  | On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  | > Yup, when you re-install Win98, it's gonna wipe the MBR, and LILO won't be
  | > there any more. Make sure you have a boot dosk if you keep LILO in the MBR so
  | > you can get back into Linux to fix it.
  | > 
  | > Ernie
  |      I was gonna stay out of this, but Oh Well.  There's a coupl'a
  | things I just don't understand what the big deal's about.  One, is
  | LU's aversion to re-booting.  The other is Window's users afinity
  | for re-installs.  

Many Linux users choose Linux simply because they do NOT have to re-start the
system each time they make a change in it as seems to be necessary in Win9x.
This is considered an advantage as well as a time saver. As for the Win users
affinity for re-installs, well when something goes wrong - as it all too
frequently seems to do - and the user can not figgure out how to fix it, the
easiest option is a re-do.


  |      I was a W95 beta tester, but they wouldn't accept me for W98.
  | So I downloaded various builds thru 1721 (RC1), mostly from Russian
  | ftp sites.  Now before y'all chastize me for WaReZ, when W98 was
  | released, I bought a legitimate copy, build 1998.  I just managed
  | to have W98 for 8 months before they released it ;-)
  |     My point in all this ?  My oldest HDD is my current C:\
  | drive.  It's had several beta builds of W98 on it and now the
  | retail version, all installed over the preceding build.  That HDD's
  | been in two different systems since W98 was first installed about
  | 1/98.  I'm only waiting on a new motherboard to arrive, and then
  | it'll be in the 3rd new system.  I don't plan to re-install either
  | W98 or Linux.... and I'll bet'cha I don't have any big problems
  | either. Yeah, I know, 'famous last words' :)
  | < pontificate on ;>
  |       I approach computer problems in this order, 1) I'm doin 
  | somethin wrong  2) the application is the problem  3)  it's
  | a hardware problem  4) it's an operating system problem.  This
  | order seems to serve me the best.  It appears to me that those
  | that have the most computer problems, attack them in _exactly_
  | the reverse order.
  | -- 
  | ..  Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .
  | > On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Seth Gibson wrote:
  | >   | Greetings all!  Im about to wipe my Win32 partition and reinstall 
everything. .
  | >   | .is there anything i should be aware of, ie lilo issues or anything of that
  | >   | nnature?  Thanks all! --
  | >   | 
  | >   | Seth Gibson
  | >   | www.mp3.com/PSM0x2710
  | >   | members.tripod.com/cybernetic_thunder (Under Construction)
  | >   | Aggression Takes Its Toll.

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