On Sat February 21 2004 5:04 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Saturday 21 February 2004 06:43, Ray Hogaboom wrote:
> Ray, someone else will answer you in detail, but this, to me, is
> the mos important bit.
> > Linux is secure? But still I have to have a fire wall.
> Once you have your system running reasonably as you want it, ask
> for help to set up your firewall.  With a little guidance it can
> be done quickly and easily.  The advantage over the xp firewall
> is that you can see exactly what it is doing, and adjust it if it
> doesn't meet your needs.

Thanks for your reply Anne
When I installed MD 9.2 I set up the firewall with all default 
setting as these should be good for now. I do not know at this time 
how I can see exactly what it is doing. I might have to tweak later 
when I network my other computers that are running Window 95 98 and 
XP. I may dump Window 95 on my 2 old 486 laptop and install Linux 
on them. I have an older desk top that I would like to run Linux 
and use as a router so all of our computer can use the DSL internet 
connection  At this point it looks like our 2 newest computers used 
by wife and step daughter will stay with Windos XP.

> > I read that there has been only 2 virus that would work in
> > linux. But still I see talk about anti virus software in this
> > email list.
> Newbies often ask about AV software.  You do not need it at
> present (because of the low likelihood of a new virus running
> under linux) if you run a stand-alone box or only linux boxes on
> your lan.  The reason people do run AV software is if they run a
> mailserver which delivers to windows boxes.  Social conscience,
> you see, so that they do not allow windows viruses to be passed
> on through themselves.

Then I would only need AV software on the one computer that will be 
our network gateway for DSL internet service?

> > And I still need to down load and install security updates. But
> > cant do that until I join the Mandrake club.
> This is not so.  If you run Mandrake Update you will be shown all
> that is available.  There will be a huge number, so you may want
> to read down the list and pick out the most important ones first.
>  By all means join the club if you settle to Mandrake, but there
> are no services that are club only, apart from a download section
> that has a little additional software and some sections of the
> forums.
I ran Mandrake Update it only displayed programs that are on th 3 
Mandrake CD I made from down loading Mandrake 9.2.
I Installed maybe 10 different apps. Problem after updating my menus 
Wine and QCAD are the only two of these that installed an icon 
short cut or menu item to start them. Now I don't know what other 
where installed as I did not right down what I chose to have 
install. I just assumed there would be some thing to click on to 
run these apps. I ran software package removal there are over 600 
items that can be removed!!!

I am thinking I have lot of stuff that should be removed then I 
would get a lot better performace. But what can I remove with out 
screwing things up. Two thing I found in this list is howto-utils 
-0.2.13-2mdk and docbook-dtd412-xml-1.0-15mdk now these sound like 
something I could use, but how do I start them. Why dont I have an 
icon or menu short cut for them. I have updated my menus to show 
all + what to do.

After starting the Software Media Manager i found that the 
update_source was unchecked. I checked, it clicked the update 
button and after 10 min. it said 

Unable to update medium: it will be auto disabled
retrieve of source hdlist (or synthesis) failed no hdlist file found 
for medium "update source" problem reading synthesis file medium 
"update source"

So I clicked ok. Now when I run Mandrake Update I get this.

You already have at lease one update medium configured, but all of 
them are currently disabled. You should run the Software Media 
Manager to enable at lease one. 

Then restart Mandrake Update

So now I am back where I started Can't update.

I have tried
# urpmi.update updates && urpmi --update --auto-select
trying to select nonexistent medium "updates"
the entry to update is missing
(one of Installation CD 1 (x86) (cdrom1), Installation CD 2 (x86) 
(cdrom2), International CD (x86) (cdrom3), update_source, 

> > But do I want to pay
> > for one year of service for something that does not do what I
> > was led to believe it would do. Mandrake club sounds like it
> > might have some good programs. But I could not find any list of
> > apps that would be available if I join.
> Often the club software is an early release of something that is
> available to all in the previous release.  There are a few
> licensed commercial apps, I think.
> There is a huge amount of software available to you on-line.  Get
> your security updates first, then go to
> http://www.urpmi.org/easyurpmi/ to set up additional sources. 
> The page walks you through the steps.

After going to http://www.urpmi.org/easyurpmi/  this seams to have 
solved all the problems above with Mandrake Update. I wisj I had 
done this 1st.
> Finally, follow the link in my sig to find the Community TWiki,
> where Mandrake users post a good deal of helpful information and
> links.
> Anne
> - --
> Registered Linux User No.293302
> Have you visited http://twiki.mdklinuxfaq.org yet?
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFANy1FkFAvMr/nNX8RAtJVAJ93UetbtKnwLLdLvnahKrx2ZVtq8wCgjvun
> jc4s2OeJBfcAekz6AvS9uaw=
> =AeZS

Thanks for your help
Ray Hogaboom

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