On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 20:43:02 +0000, JRH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> just managed to finally get 10 Community up and running, and I have a 
> question:
> On 9.2, the login screen gave me the opportunity to manually enter my 
> username. 10 does not appear to give me that option. I used to be able to log 
> into KDE as root, and do things that way, to save time using command line 
> stuff.
> I cant do that now. Is there a way to change the login screen at all, so that 
> I can do this?. I had it once with 9.2, but I cant for the life of me 
> remember how to do it!
> I'm getting a bit frustrated now, I need to change permissions on various 
> things, and I dont know how to do it in shell.... so I need a GUI!
The semi-official standpoint on logging in as root with the GUI is that it should not 
be done. End of story.

Doing root work should be done by logging into your own account, and su'ing 
temporarily to do whatever it may be that needs doing. It's just Better(tm) this way.

Anyway, the CLI commands for changing permissions on files/directories are chmod (for 
read/write/execute) and chown (for user/group). Go have a looksee at the man pages - 
it's not what you'd call a higher grade exercise or something :P

Anyway, barring that, you can always log in as your usual user, and run <insert file 
manager of choice> as root.

Hope this helps

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