On Wed, 3 Nov 1999, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

> Rlongo wrote:
> > Ok here is what I have so far, I am only looking to setup a small ISP with
> > 10 line access on a Comtrol ISA Rocketport card that I have had since my BBS
> > days and would like to use it.
> >
> > I have these 5 Machines on my hub so far:  And I am assuming my layout is
> > correct.  If not please give me an Idea on how you thing I should do this
> >
> > I will be using a Dial-in PPP to my ISP for access
> >
> > 1.  A linux box -(  To use as a gateway and router to the net
> > for my local lan and the rest of the servers on my network - There is a
> > modem installed to access my provider for now, will be getting a cable
> > interface soon and adding another NIC for it.  This will be the Box to make
> > the PPP conection to my ISP works great, I can ping anything on the net.
> > This Box I would like to be my Secondary DNS server plus a firewall or proxy
> > too.
> >
> > 2. A linux box - ( Intended for a PPP server, houses the
> > Rocketport 8 port serial board, plus 2 internal modems totalling 10 ports
> > for dial-in,  would like all requests from the dial in users to go out on
> > the number 1 pc above. This box I would like to be my Primary DNS server
> >
> > 3. A linux box - ( Running server FTP, MAIL, WWW, and DNS, samba
> > to a Win98 PC that will house home directories.
> >
> > 4. Win98 Worstation - ( Basic stuff, must be able to use net
> > going throught the number 1 pc above.
> >
> > 5. Win98 Worstation - ( Basic stuff - same demand as above Win
> > Pc
> >
> > What I have done so far is I setup the PPP connection to my ISP on box 1, I
> > setup DNS on Box 2, setup all the servers on box 3
> >
> > I can access my ISP from box 1, and box 1 ONLY =(  No other pc on my lan can
> > get net!  I can ping em all locally by IP or Name.
> >
> > Here is a link to a small ISP layout that I would like to do.
> > http://www.sydney.apana.org.au/network.htm
> >
> > I just dont understand how to setup all this stuff on the linux boxes, do I
> > use the linuconf or do this stuff manually?  the HOWTO's seem to all be
> > doing this stuff manually.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rob Longo
> Let us not forget your ISP will get slightly upset for your using their backbone
> connection to run your own service.  This clearly violates any contract I've
> ever seen.  To the best of my understanding you need a static IP address and
> your ISP most likely has given you a dynamic one.  Even when you get a cable
> service you'll be violating all sorts of contract agreements by trying to run a
> service off the back of the cable service.
> Think twice and get some legal advice before proceeding.
> Good Luck
> Joseph S. Gardner
I conquer. Most Cable agreements even if they forbid you to run Servers
explicity forbid resellin of services.

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