On Sat, 30 Oct 1999,Rlongo wrote:
  | Hi I'm Rob,
  |     New to the list and using Linux, what's up dudes! Power to the
  | Penguin!!!? I guess =)    I'm lookin for some straight forward step-by-step
  | information on how to setup an ISP.  I have been reading all the How-Tos
  | that came with my distro but I'm getting really frustrated at how they all
  | say goto this How-To or this How-to while your in the middle of reading one
  | How-To.   Is there any site or really good book out there that can help me
  | out.  Any Ideas?
  | TIA - Peace
  | Rob Longo

I am going to make some assumptions with the following steps:

        1)      You are using a modem connected to a telephone line
                a)      You know what port the modem is connected on
                b)      Your modem is NOT a Winmodem (PCI bus modem)
                c)      Your modem is not PnP, and/or uses standard Port
                        resource allocations (IRQ etc...)
        2)      You have an existing account with an ISP
        3)      You have the following information from your ISP
                a)      Your user name for your ISP account
                b)      Your password for your ISP account
                c)      1 or 2 DNS addresses for your ISP
                d)      if your ISP uses "dynamic IP's", and if not,
                        the IP adderss for your ISP

All the following need to be done as the superuser "root"

I will assume your modem is not set up in Linux, if it is skip this part

First run modemtool from a command line, (or if you use KDE right-click an
open area of the desktop, and select "execute command" in the context menu)
then select the port on which your modem is connected. Click the "OK" button to
save the information. This tells Linux where the modem is connected.

Next, run linuxconf, and select the "networking" button. Then select
PPP/SLIP/PLIP at the bottom of the resulting window (if you can not see the
entire window, hold the ALT key and left-drag the window up). A small window
will appear, select add, then select ppp. and follow the prompts. They are
pretty self explanatory, and I cannot step through them, as my ppp is already
set up.

An easier method is to use kppp in KDE. in the KDE panel, select the "K" icon
which opens a menu, select "internet", then kppp.

In the kppp window, select "setup", then in the resulting window select "new",
and in that resulting window enter a name for the connection, and the telephone
number to dial. If you wish, you can enter the path to an application you want
to run when kppp connects (perhaps a web browser, or email client).

Select the "IP" tab, and check that "Dynamic IP address" is selected. This
should be the default, and should work with most ISP's.

Select the "DNS" tab, and enter the promary DNS address provided by your ISP
in the DNS IP adress dialog box, then select "Add", and repeat for the
secondary DNS IP address if one is provided (by your ISP). You should leave the
"Disable existing DNS servers during connection" checkbos unchecked for most

Select the "Gateway" tab, and check that "Default Gateway" is selected (this
should work for most ISP's), and that the "Assign the default route to this
gateway" checkbox is checked (this should be checked by default).

Unless you need to use a "Login Script" to connect to your ISP, or keep track of
your connect time (Your service is not "unlimited"), you can let the remaining
tabs alone.

Select the "OK" button at the bottom of the window, then select "OK" in the
remaining window. You may need to exit kppp to enable the information you just
provided, if so restart kppp, and enter your Login ID, and password, then
select "connect", and you should then connect to your ISP.

I hope this is of help,


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