>> Is it free?  Can I get RPMs of it somewhere?  If not, I'll pass
>I believe Sybase *is* free (for now... later versions MAY
>cost money.) Check out the following UR --

This directly from the web page above. Download links are on the page.

Adaptive Server Enterprise for Linux version continues
to be offered as a free, unsupported release for development as
well as deployment. Adaptive Server Enterprise for Linux version is available from the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
for Linux version download web page.

Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9.2 is offered FREE for development
from the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 11.9.2 download web page.
You can purchase support even if you download the free development
copy. You can get the software on CD with printed copy of Installation
guide for $99 from Sybase sales. To deploy Adaptive Server Enterprise
for Linux version 11.9.2 on a production box, contact Sybase sales
at 1-800-8SYBASE.


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