JoeHill wrote:
On Mon, 10 May 2004 20:40:15 -0400
Marv Boyes disseminated the following:

Hello again, everyone.

I've recently started using gdesklets (v0.26.1), but have so far only
been able to get the SysInfo desklet to work. Whenever I install and try
to run a new desklet, I get two errors (examples from the Calendar desklet):

Could not load sensor 'Calendar'

An error occurred while loading a sensor. This most likely means that
the sensor is broken or simply not installed.

Invalid display file

The display file contains invalid data and could not be loaded.

If you read the docs in the archive for any given display, it explains this.

Yes, I read that; I also read this:

"Again in theory this is simple. First you get some desklet, for example a clock desklet. Then you untar its package and run ./Install.bin-script.

$ wget "";
$ bzip2 -cd clock-desklet-0.32.tar.bz2|tar -xf -
$ cd clock-desklet-0.32
$ ./Install_Clock_Sensor.bin

After ./Install_Clock_Sensor.bin you might get a message "The sensor has been installed successfully. gDesklets is now able to use it."."

I read it, followed it, got the 'go-ahead' message from gdesklets-- and still they don't work. Though it may not seem like it from some of my posts, I _do_ generally try to exhaust all the documentation I can find before I post here. ;)

Thanks for the urpmi tip, though I tend to shy away from online updates/installs-- my dialup connection is unreliable and awful beyond description.

Marv ---------- Help in the research to fight devastating diseases like Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's-- donate your computer's leisure time to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------

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