Dude! What driver do you use to make the udma66 work?
This is cool

On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> I appended the ram amount in lilo.conf to reflect 256megs
> and it boots normal now.
> Incidentely Mandrake sees the Athlon processor and
> all the hardware including udma 66 hardrive. This thing is working
> perfectly and is sooooo fast.
> Now if I can just figure out why tkdesk keeps telling
> me to put the environment path etc etc.....
> Thanks for the help gentlemen    Paul
> >From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: [newbie] ram not seen
> >Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 21:24:11 -0500
> >
> >On Wed, 03 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > >     I believe it's a Athlon/'not quite ready for prime time'
> > > motherboard issue.  I have no first hand experience with it, but
> > > I've seen a lot of this type complaint about Athlon mobo's on
> > > several hardware NG's.  Sort'a funny that the Cu-mine/8xx chipset
> > > mobo's have a similar deal.
> > >
> >Ahh...I suppose it couldn't also have anything to do with the fact
> >that the Athlon is a totally new architecture and Linux isn't QUITE
> >sure how to talk to everything in the new architecture? ;-)
> >     John
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