On Saturday 22 May 2004 15:55, Greg Meyer wrote:
| On Saturday 22 May 2004 12:38 am, Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
| > >>Anyone else have any feeling on it?
| > >
| > >Love it (I don't use m2 though).  Worth every penny.
| >
| > Is there a specific reason you're not using it for mail?  I'm not
| > shilling for Opera or anything.  I'm just curious.
| I just like Kmail a lot better.  It is more mature, has better filtering
| options, which I use extensively to manage the 10 mailing lists I am on.

I'm with you there. I'm running SpamAssassin to filter out junk, but before 
mails get to the SA filter in Kmail they first go through a bunch of others. 
Kmail's facility to allow you to use regexes for filtering means I kill a lot 
of spam without even having to invoke SA. The same flexibility means I can 
sort and manage mail is all kinds of useful ways.

I've always had the habit of using separate apps for different jobs, which 
means you can always use the best available.

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