On Fri, 2004-06-18 at 00:24, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> I know there is a package to backup to CD - you can try looking on 
> freshmeat for it.  As far as getting rid of old backups, if you use the 
> date command to date stamp your backup as part of the name, then the 
> same cron job that creates the backups can get rid of the old ones.
> Something like BNAME=$(date +backup.%d.%m.%y) to genetate the name, and 
> then somethig like ONAME=$(date -d-5week +backup.%d.%m.%y) to generate 
> the name of the backup to remove.
> Or if you were realy creative, you could probably modify logrotate to 
> manage your backups...
> Mikkel

Ta, Mikkel - now I'm getting on the right track; and what I'm trying to
avoid is the use of a "program" - I want to have a script - I know it
can be done, I've dealt with this issue before - but long ago and didn't
keep a hard copy of it - and it worked flawlessly...

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