On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 23:02:19 +0100
Margot wrote:

> I seem to remember that the main bit came from Charles Edwards' 
> source, with some additional bits from either plf or contrib...might 
> be worth opening up the software installer on MCC and just searching 
> for anything with xfce4 in the name...

Rpms for ALL xfce pkg, both the main system and All the 'goodies' are
avaiable from either my site for the 4.0.5 rpms and any 'updated
'goodies' or from any 10.0 contrib mirror for additional 'goodies' rpms,
I should know I built and uploaded them all to both sites.

A desktop menu avaiable thru mouse click is made possible by an
additional source file which is included as part of the Mdk xfdesktop
It is mandrake specific and is only present if said Mdk rpm is
It will not be present if xfce is installed from source Or if a non-Mdk
rpm is used.


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Mandrake Linux 10.1 on PurpleDragon

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